Pretty Sure I Don’t Deserve This
"Congratulations," a friend once told me, after I'd finally gotten a New York literary agent. "Let yourself feel it today, and breathe. You deserve this."
The thing...
The Nathan Book
I can still remember when the team from The Urbanist invited me on board. In true urbanist fashion we all arrived without using cars--Owen...
Shake’N’Bake III: Skip-Stopping and Newbies
This is a follow-up to a recent story on sleepers, newbies and working together. Click here for an addendum on sleepers; this follow-up is about newbie drivers and...
Shake’N’Bake II: Nathan on Sleepers
This was going to be a footnote to my previous story, but it was getting too long– and too important! Sleepers are a major element...
On the Shake’N’Bake
She stepped aboard, wrinkling her nose. "What is that smell? Something's gone absolutely rancid in here!""Ooh, rancid," I said. "I love your word choice!""Well, that's what...
Hard Right to Happy
It's a waxing gibbous tonight, yellow, a sense of possibilities from high overhead. I'm done for the night– or almost done, seconds away from...
Joyful Noise (II of III): Thoughts on Everything
It’s only a few minutes of faces I don't recognize, and then we have Andrew. Andrew's on his way to practice mountain climbing. Albert,...
Nathan’s Bus: The Perspicacious Hairdresser
The accent. I knew him from before. The vowels drawled out in between clipped consonant edges, a straining against the upper mouth, little enthusiasms in...