Nathan’s Bus: Couch Intuition
It was the most elegant piece of furniture I'd ever seen dumped at a bus stop. How exciting!
"Hang on a second, I just need...
Nathan on NPR: III
Did you miss Wednesday's broadcast? It's all here. Host Deborah Wang and I chat about "who (really) rides the bus" in Seattle, and so...
Seattle Growth Podcast Season 6, Episode 3: Nathan Vass
That's University of Washington Professor Jeff Shulman on the right, whose influential podcast has been featured on The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today. Dr. Shulman...
Avery Rising
We've grown accustomed to requiring a certain dose of cynicism in our fictions in order to find them believable. “Few people have the imagination...
The Book Lives
This lil' thing just keeps chugging--thanks to you. We've printed a third run of books, in conjunction with my recent TED talk (which will...
Eric, Fully
He had one of those 'normal' names. Mono– or duo-syllabic, from the Western tradition: Christian, Jewish, something. Paul. Eric. You know. The kind I...
The Oasis
"Hey," I exclaimed, with welcome surprise, feeling the vivacious synergy from the old 7 whose dearth on the 5 I detail here. Encountering affability in...
A Pause for TED
I'm giving a TEDx talk on May 4th.
The details will be updated here, at the home page for TEDxUofW.
I'll be intermittent on The Urbanist between now...