KVRU Interview: Nathan on Route 7 RapidRide
KVRU's Simon Kidde (a friend, and the son of another friend!) sits down with myself and Metro's Robyn Austin to discuss the impending transition...
Book Awards Event, 10/12: Free & Open to the Public
Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019, 7 – 9 p.m.Seattle Central Library, Level 1: Microsoft AuditoriumFree
The title kind of says it all. It's like the Oscars,...
The Boring Truths (It’s Not That Bad)
This post is a care package for my colleagues and anyone else who was scared or otherwise put off by a recent spate of...
A Bus Driver Kind of Mind
Why do I love scruffiness, when I am not scruffy?
Because these are the strangers who are consistently nicest to me, who treat me plainly,...
Strife in the Afternoon: Nathan on Fights
It all started so innocently. Each person meant well, but each had a stress inside them, a bitterness, that they turned on the others...
Book Talk with Nathan Today August 29th at 12:30pm
Hello, Urbanist friends. In the wake of my book being nominated for the Washington State Book Award, I'm having another book talk at the Greenwood Senior...
Nathan’s TED Talk
What does it mean to be urbanized? What does living in a city require of us in terms of social engagement, and to what...
Nathan Vass, 2019 Washington State Book Award Finalist
Never in a million years. That's what I thought when we applied for this thing a year ago. A pipe dream. You apply for...