Urbanist Hopes for 2019
Team Urbanism took some lumps in 2018, but there's plenty of opportunities to turn the tables and advance the cause in 2019. Our writers...
Forward Thrust Part 4: Carrying Forward Thrust’s Ambition Into 2018 and Beyond
The 1968 and 1970 Forward Thrust campaign was a slate of 13 ballot initiatives, put before voters in Seattle and King County to correct...
Forward Thrust Part 3: Big League City
The disappointment that urbanists feel about Seattle’s failure to obtain a subway system in 1968 (see part one and part two of the Forward Thrust series)...
Forward Thrust Part 2: The Art of Picking Sides
The Forward Thrust bond initiatives of 1968 and 1970 were a success because of their ambition. They were also failures because of their myopia....
Forward Thrust Part 1: No City is an Island
In December 2017 I had the fortune to pen, in my capacity as a columnist for City Arts Magazine, a retrospective essay about the...
A Faster Metro Plan: Fund E Rail with City Transportation Authority
Awhile back I wrote about adding a RapidRide E rail line that continues to First Hill to Seattle Subway's Vision Map, and the idea caught...
New Eyman Initiative Seeks To Stall Transportation Investments Statewide And Kill ST3
Washington's perennial anti-tax troll Tim Eyman is back, fresh off of his failure to hurl another initiative (I-1550) across the finish line and reeling...
Seattle Evaluates Possible Annexations Of North Highline And Duwamish “Sliver”
The City of Seattle is evaluating two proposed annexations near the southwest city limits that collectively could add more than 17,600 residents and 2,265-acres of...