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Stephen Fesler

Stephen Fesler
Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.
Winter weather continues to hamper transit operations in Puget Sound. Here's today's morning update: Agency/ServiceDetailsKing County MetroLast night, Metro extended the Emergency Snow Network, which consolidates service to about 60 core routes. Paratransit service is more limited because of the reduced scope of bus service. Water Taxis are expected to...
Over the weekend, Puget Sound transit agencies reduced or cut service because of the Christmas holiday but also due to the snowstorm beginning in earnest on Sunday. Snow led to challenging operations with many delayed and canceled trips and some ending with a stuck and jackknifed articulated bus. Some...
RM Transit covers the great debate of whether low or high platforms are better for trains and what they even are.
Vox looks into why so many rowhouses in London are getting deep basement additions and why wealthy residents are lashing out.
The holidays are upon us and that means very different service levels over the next two weeks, including none for some transit agencies. Many regional transit agencies, however, plan to offer fare-free service on New Year's Eve, following a trend in recent years preceding the pandemic, to lure revelers...
Be excited: Rep. Peter DeFazio (Oregon - 4th District), a longtime advocate for transit and biking, is retiring, but he has a positive message for sustainable transportation advocates. Connecting communities: Could the transportation funding law help remove the scars of highways? Clear bike lanes: Portland has a bike lane sweeper, but...
Not Just Bikes explores how high-speed rail in Italy killed off an entire airline and tries it out firsthand. Not Just Bikes also explains how Europe plans to increase more intercity passenger rail ridership over air travel.
Our second Transpo Notes roundup of the week touches on short newsworthy transportation developments from the Port of Seattle, Community Transit, Everett Transit, and Sound Transit. SEA airport main terminal modernization work approved On Tuesday, the Port of Seattle Commission approved $149.5 million in new modernization work at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport...