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Stephen Fesler

Stephen Fesler
Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.
This week’s Transpo Notes highlights include: SEA's new International Arrivals Facility, an advancing ST4 bill, a report on the post-Apple Cup Link meltdown, new Port Townsend-Kingston express bus, Kitsap Transit's electric fast ferry, and Pierce Transit seeks feedback on its bus rapid transit network. SEA's International Arrivals Facility nearing opening On...
Insulated glass has become ubiquitous, but it wasn’t always that way. Vox explains how insulated glass came about and how it changed architecture in the last century. The technology has had a dramatic impact in the way we live and the conditioning of buildings with expansive windows.
Safe Systems: The United States' transportation department has outlined a plan to combat traffic injuries and deaths ($). But what's missing from it? Inequitable transportation: Portland streets are dangerous - plus, the majority of pedestrian deaths were among people experiencing homelessness. Mobility Bill of Rights: Does America need a "Mobility Bill...
CityNerd walks through the ecosystem of a stroad through the lens of Las Vegas.
A photo of a street with condo towers of different heights.
Zoning for housing: Bend rezoned single-family areas and has seen a sharp increase in housing production. Choice remains: In Alaska, the state supreme court has upheld a voter-approved ranked choice voting system. 2022 starts: Yonah Freemark has updated his planned construction and openings of transit lines in North America for 2022. Housing...
This week’s Transpo Notes highlights include: future ORCA card capabilities, Sound Transit fare collection challenges and fare engagement future, concrete workers' strike still delaying transit projects, I-405 interchange rebuild agreement approved, RapidRide I Line refinements, and new King County Metro bus restructure process begins. Future ORCA card capabilities Last Wednesday, the...
On Tuesday, House Bill 1782 passed out of House Local Government Committee, but the bill was weakened in the process. Still, it's a milestone for the bill that would push cities with at least 10,000 residents across Washington State to allow duplexes and fourplexes in place of only detached...
Sound Transit recently released updated alternatives for the Ballard and West Seattle light rail expansions. As Doug Trumm detailed here at The Urbanist, the agency has drafted up concepts for some of the most cavernous stations in not just North America but the entire world. Other concepts show urban...