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Stephen Fesler

Stephen Fesler
Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.
We're giving GGLO's swanky space at the Harbor Steps a spin this week. So if you want to join us for our weekly meetup, come on by 1st Avenue and walk down the Harbor Steps a half block. In case you're not familiar with the Harbor Steps, it's the pedestrian hillclimb... An adorable video about the Central District community coming together to build their parklet. We hope to see this become a success.  
  The development keeps coming: It looks like Pioneer Square, Downtown, and even Downtown Kent (my hometown) will get some big projects soon. That empty parking next Pioneer Square? Consider it gone. We expect a classic brick building to grace the space instead. Rainier Square (part of the University Tracts) might...
We've been anticipating the launch for the Puget Sound Bike Share (PSBS) for quite some time now, and we still have a while to go yet. But, yesterday we learned some great news from PSBS: the new name of the bike share system and the official sponsor. So, we'd like... Protected Intersections for Bicyclists by Nick Falbo on Vimeo. This video gives many of the best practices for protecting bicyclists. There are a lot of good ideas here, and we hope to see many of these implemented all across the country.
  Bike Washington: This has been a busy week for cycling in Washington. We were named the most bike-friendly state in the union, AGAIN. So pat yourselves on the back. Washington is also seeking a new national designation for our east-way bikeway across the state (Route 10). We're hoping it gets... See the potential changes on the way for Colman Dock in this video about the Environmental Assessment.
Postmortem: The buses will beginning getting the axe in September, Metro has an organized service reduction plan to achieve the necessary cuts over a one-year period. People are mad, but it ain't the first time at this rodeo. Tons of voting data is becoming available if you want to explore...