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Author: Stephen Fesler

Holiday Video: Best North American Airports for Car-Free Travel

Inevitably, you’re probably going to travel and, from time to time, go by plane to get to your destination. But if you’re a transit...

Sunday Video: An Extremely Cynical Anti-Bike Lane Law Just Passed in Canada

The right-wing populist provincial government in Ontario, Canada has voted to remove bike lanes and make it difficult to install them in the future...

Sunday Video: The Worst Downtown Interchanges

Ray Delahanty of CityNerd runs through a shame list for the worst downtown interchanges. Seattle doesn’t make the list, but the unfortunate prevalence of...

Holiday Video: The Problem with Public Hearings

All too often, public hearings increase costs and consume time without meaningfully impacting decisions. Uytae Lee of About Here digs into the history of the public hearing and its utility, and whether another paradigm is worth pursuing.

Holiday Video: Ghent Is Making Streets Safer For Kids To Bike and Walk

Streetfilms highlights how Ghent (Gent), a city in the Flemish north of Belgium, is making streets safe so that kids can walk and bike...

Sunday Video: Autonomous Vehicles Deserve Heavy Skepticism

Urbanist circles differ in how they see autonomous vehicles, particularly as they move toward wider adoption. Some see them being a tool that builds...

Sunday Video: How Elevated Rail Makes Cities Better

In North America, modern rail transit usually avoids conventional elevated lines in dense cities and even suburbs. Reece Martin of RMTransit discusses what makes elevated rail so good.

Sunday Video: Should Cities Ban Drive-Thrus?

Dave Amos of City Beautiful discusses drive-thru businesses and how they are evolving to create more vehicle throughput. As part of this, Amos discusses...