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Natalie Bicknell Argerious

Natalie Bicknell Argerious
Natalie Bicknell Argerious (she/her) is a reporter and podcast host at The Urbanist. She previously served as managing editor. A passionate urban explorer since childhood, she loves learning how to make cities more inclusive, vibrant, and environmentally resilient. You can often find her wandering around Seattle's Central District and Capitol Hill with her dogs and cat. Email her at natalie [at] theurbanist [dot] org.
In the mid-20th century, Northgate Mall was considered to be one of the most ambitious commercial developments in North America, if not the world. The "Fabulous Northgate" may not have actually been the world's first suburban shopping center or climate-controlled indoor mall, but it was certainly among the earliest...
A rendering of an orchard concept for the future park planned at the Battery Portal Site in Belltown. During the next year there will be opportunities for the public to contribute design ideas for the future park. (Credit: Recharge the Battery)
It's official, Belltown is getting a new park at the Battery Portal Site as part of the Waterfront Seattle project. At about three acres, the future Battery Portal Park will bring much needed green space into one of the Seattle's densest residential neighborhoods. The park also represents a victory...
With Willowcrest Townhomes, Homestead Community Land Trust is striving to create "a replicable model" for permanently affordable net zero energy housing. Since the 1960s, community land trusts have been among the most successful affordable housing models in the United States, and in the wake of the current nationwide housing...
It is often said in American society that money talks, and this statement often seems doubly true when applied to politics. So what does it mean, then, when big campaign spending is defeated in the political arena? The failure of 2019's two most expensive ballot measures, Initiative 976 in...
Last summer when the Seattle City Council passed legislation that encouraged development of backyard cottages across the city, the move was generally met with enthusiasm from housing advocates promoting increased housing choices in the city's single family zones. Shortly thereafter, Mayor Jenny Durkan passed an executive order intended to...
Don't stop there. Tell everyone you know to vote no on I-976 as well. Halloween might be over, but the most frightening day of 2019 has yet to come. On November 6th, Washingtonians could theoretically wake up and confront the nightmarish reality that office-chair-thieving Tim Eyman’s Initiative 976 (I-976) has passed...
Years ago I spent a year teaching English in Nice, France, a short train ride from Monaco, a sovereign city-state on the French Riviera famous for its casino, Formula One Grand Prix, and status as a tax haven for international investors. Real estate investment in Monaco provides investors both...
Councilmember Lorena González traveled to Copenhagen with a delegation of local leaders in August to study the policies and infrastructure that have given rise to the city's world renowned public life. Sponsored by the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict and the ScanDesign Foundation, the delegates spent a week immersed in fieldwork...