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Natalie Bicknell Argerious

Natalie Bicknell Argerious
Natalie Bicknell Argerious (she/her) is a reporter and podcast host at The Urbanist. She previously served as managing editor. A passionate urban explorer since childhood, she loves learning how to make cities more inclusive, vibrant, and environmentally resilient. You can often find her wandering around Seattle's Central District and Capitol Hill with her dogs and cat. Email her at natalie [at] theurbanist [dot] org.
Trench cut in dirt with an intersection of iron pipes and a lightly colored stormwater crossing.
In this episode, civil engineer and Urbanist contributing writer Donna Breske discusses her experience with the frustrating hurdles posed by the permitting process in Seattle with podcast host Ray Dubicki.Breske works on the kind of urban infill projects that the City of Seattle purports to want to see built, but in...
This week Ray Dubicki and I chat about the policy changes that have been proposed for Seattle's industrial zones. These policies have been in the works for a long time and are finally coming up for consideration by the Seattle City Council in May and June. While we may...
The Capitol building in Olympia is marble colored and include pillars and a dome in the classic style.
In this week's episode, podcast host Ray Dubicki discusses the Heroes and Zeroes of the recent state legislative session with Urbanist Executive Director Doug Trumm. Heroes and Zeroes is a standing tradition at The Urbanist, and this year's session concluded on some high notes as missing middle housing and climate...
Every one knows there are two things you can't escape in life, death and taxes. While I'd add a few more items to that list, it seems that with Washington State having such an, ahem, unique tax system, the time had come for us to tackle the topic of...
The opening event for The Clouds Are Lifting: Illuminated Art in Freeway Park will take place April 7th, 7:30-10pm. In recent weeks, spring's arrival has become more apparent in Seattle with the days growing longer and crocuses and flowering trees beginning to bloom. To celebrate this shift into a season...
If you travel around Capitol Hill, the Central District, and Madison Valley, you've likely seen construction on E Madison Street in preparation for King County Metro Transit's RapidRide G, slated to come online in Fall of 2024. For most of the day on weekdays and Saturdays, RapidRide G will...
The latest addition to King County's RapidRide network brings speedier transit travel between Downtown, Delridge, White Center, and Burien. King County Metro officially launched service on its RapidRide H line last weekend replacing the workhorse Route 120 with more reliable service. Across 12 miles and 51 bus stops, the line...
This week we had the opportunity to host Governor Jay Inslee on The Urbanist podcast. It was good timing as we reached the midpoint of the state's 100-day legislative session. Several of the bills the governor has championed, such as legalizing missing middle housing statewide and adding a climate...