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Laura Loe

Laura Loe
Laura Loe is an educator, musician, and gardener from Colombia/NY/LA/Chicago who has lived in Seattle since 2009. Laura is a board member for Be:Seattle, an organization building the power and leadership of renters and people experiencing homelessness to fight displacement. 
Sitting around my Thanksgiving dinner table always leads to some tense moments. In growing cities across the country this year, many people will be discussing housing security. At some tables, parents who wanted to be empty-nesters now make awkward jokes about having their 25 year-old living in the basement. Meanwhile at other tables, another...
At the BOOM: Changing Seattle exhibition Seattleites interested in shaping Seattle's future began by looking backward. Rapid change is nothing new to our city. The Urbanist checked in with three Seattleites involved in the must-see exhibit. Together, they have made connections that will appeal to a broad swath of Seattle communities. This...
Tuesday evening's design review meeting was held in the basement of City Hall. The meeting lasted over two and a half hours. No food. No water. No bathroom breaks. It kind of felt like the land use equivalent of Luis Buñuel's The Exterminating Angel. Why are all these fancy people trapped...
Seattle was abundantly represented this weekend at YIMBY 2016. The first ever Yes In My Backyard (YIMBY) conference took place this past weekend. Many cities were represented, but none had the spotlight on it like Seattle! Sightline Institute’s Serena Larkin, Anna Fahey, and Dan Bertolet presented recent focus group findings about...
I met a woman at the City Council hearing about safety for people who bike yesterday that told me she went to a meeting of urbanists once and didn't get a word in edgewise in a room full of men. I heard from a man the other night that said...