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Laura Loe

Laura Loe
Laura Loe is an educator, musician, and gardener from Colombia/NY/LA/Chicago who has lived in Seattle since 2009. Laura is a board member for Be:Seattle, an organization building the power and leadership of renters and people experiencing homelessness to fight displacement. 
Local artist Myra Rara will showcase her thought-provoking work on contemporary urban issues facing Seattle this Thursday at the Capitol Hill Art Walk: Hybrid_Space presents Myra Rara's Not Even Barely Legal: (Desperately) Creative Infill Development as a part of the Capitol Hill Art Walk. Stop by from 6-9pm to check...
About fifty Congress for the New Urbanism conference attendees came together to learn about Community-Oriented Housing on the first full day of CNU25. The workshop, subtitled "Living at the Scale of Sociability," was designed to engage developers, architects and other building professionals, in a hands-on lesson about creative, community-centered housing...
Recently, Laura Foote Clark, Executive Director of YIMBY Action gave compelling and hilarious testimony to implore commissioners to ignore the "crazy people like her" who show up to (land use) hearings. This video is a little too real for so many of us. Many volunteers around the country are working to bring...
What is the International Special Review District (ISRD)?  The International Special Review District (ISRD) is where the future of the "look" of the Chinatown-International District of Seattle is determined. The most exciting part of sitting in any design review meeting is catching a glimpse into a rip in the fabric...
I first heard the word "SLI" when I was approached to provide feedback about the neighborhood council system. As a renter, I had long expressed concerns that the voices of homeowners were overrepresented at the Northeast District Council and the City Neighborhood Council. Many other residents had expressed similar...
 (....and why do all these urbanists talk in this funny shorthand that makes me feel stupid...) The abundance of acronyms in land use discussions frequently leaves newcomers feeling left out and overwhelmed. Many urbanists seem particularly caught up in using shorthands, like FAR, TOD, MHA, ROW, and MIZ. Are they showing...
This Sunday (December 4th) there will be a U District walking tour of microhousing with Seattle YIMBYs from 10am to 1pm. The tour kicks off from Chaco Canyon Cafe and will visit multiple microhousing buildings and a new project on 9th Ave NE & NE Ravenna Blvd. The tour will end...
Mayor Ed Murray signed an executive order last week affirming Seattle's commitment to welcoming city policies. Folks long at the center of oppressive systems have unique and powerful tools for coping with tragedy. Now, more than ever, the voices of marginalized communities need to be centered in both short-...