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Doug Trumm

Doug Trumm
Doug Trumm is publisher of The Urbanist. An Urbanist writer since 2015, he dreams of pedestrian streets, bus lanes, and a mass-timber building spree to end our housing crisis. He graduated from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington in 2019. He lives in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood and loves to explore the city by foot and by bike.
Alchemy's proposal for 40 small efficiency apartments in Wallingford could get the green light at its Design Review Recommendation meeting on Monday. As tenants feel the pinch of rapidly climbing rents, we need more projects like this one to provide more housing choices, especially targeted at moderate-income folks. A small...
The Cascadia high-speed rail cost estimate in the preliminary study caused fiscal conservatives to clinch their cheeks together. Nonetheless, plenty of reasons exist to move forward with further study at the very least. The fiscal hawks tend to fail to mention the economic analysis appended to the same study:...
A rendering some a row of trees and lawn on a lid over 405.
As the region prepares for Sound Transit 2 (ST2) investments to come online, several cities are increasing zoning capacity near future light rail stations. In some cases, this wasn't a hard sell since many light rail stations are going in along freeways where land has typically been dedicated to...
After the megalopolises of New York and Mexico City, the next highest ridership Metro system in North America may surprise you. It's not Chicago or DC or Toronto, but rather Canada's second most populous city: Montréal. In a metropolitan area of about four million residents, the Montréal Metro averages...
Housing For All Action at City Hall - On Wednesday, Housing For All is organizing a letter delivery at the Seattle City Council's 2pm Finance Committee meeting, where the Progressive Revenue Task Force will present its recommendation to the council. The letters will urge the Council to implement an...
In adjourning the 65th legislative session, Washington state legislators left Sound Transit 3 (ST3) funding fully intact. Transit supporters breathed sigh of relief. Pressure they had applied on legislators helped reverse the momentum on what seemed like a sure-thing bill early in the session. The Urbanist's readers alone sent 511...
When the One Center City Advisory Board delivered its recommendation last September, we applauded the gains for transit priority and the Downtown Basic Bike Network. Five months later, not much else has happened. The advisory group hasn't met since, the project website has barely been updated, and Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) hasn't...
Last week, the Washington State House came through with $900,000 to partially fund a business case study of high-speed rail connecting Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland. Meanwhile, the Washington State Senate dropped the ball, allocating no money for the $3.6 million investment grade study Governor Jay Inslee requested, with rail...