Doug Trumm

1053 POSTS
Doug Trumm is publisher of The Urbanist. An Urbanist writer since 2015, he dreams of pedestrian streets, bus lanes, and a mass-timber building spree to end our housing crisis. He graduated from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington in 2019. He lives in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood and loves to explore the city by foot and by bike.
It's easiest to document the changes taking place outside your own window, which for me looks out on Woodland Park Avenue and Stone Way. From my vantage alone, I can see two large construction sites. Frelingford is undergoing a transformation.
What is Frelingford?
What is Frelingford, you ask? Well that's the...
Capitol Hill Seattle Blog recently covered architect Christopher Patano's plan to put a "lid" on I-5 through a two-mile segment, alongside First Hill and Capitol Hill to create a linear park. It's an exciting idea. Obviously, it would be very expensive and require a huge political lift. But let's...
Seattle's Office of Housing is set to make the largest annual investment to affordable housing in its history, as Mayor Ed Murray's office announced via this press release.
The 2015 award is the largest ever annual investment in affordable housing by the City. Last year, the Office of Housing awarded...
Seattle Subway has proposed an alternative to Sound Transit 3 (ST3) called "STcomplete" that would double the project timeline from 15 to 30 years and allow Sound Transit to “complete” the network, rather than going back to the voters to approve further funds after first $15 billion is spent.
Last week, I wrote about the progress of the highway funding bill through Congress. A few politicians—Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Rick Santorum—don't want to fund highways at the federal level any more, endorsing transportation devolution. I also talked about Chuck Marohn's Strongtowns no new roads message, which has...
Congress finally did something! It appears poised to pass a "six-year" transportation bill. In truth, the bill contains money for only three years and doesn't address the looming issue of rising construction costs and dwindling gas tax revenues due to increasingly fuel efficient cars. The highway funding bill is...
Seattle is essentially gaining a second downtown with the emergence of South Lake Union (SLU) as a business and residential center where it seems new high rises sprout on a weekly basis. But with our booming new downtown and thriving old downtown pulling in commuters from across the region, Seattle's transportation...
Last week, The Seattle Times came out against Proposition 1 (a.k.a Move Seattle). Tom Fucoloro with the Seattle Bike Blog ripped The Seattle Times editorial board (STEB henceforth) to shreds for the unsoundness of their argument; you can read about the benefits of Move Seattle here, most of which the STEB...