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Doug Trumm

Doug Trumm
Doug Trumm is publisher of The Urbanist. An Urbanist writer since 2015, he dreams of pedestrian streets, bus lanes, and a mass-timber building spree to end our housing crisis. He graduated from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington in 2019. He lives in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood and loves to explore the city by foot and by bike.
Those who oppose development in Seattle have no greater symbol than the so-called "Up House" in Ballard where Edith Macefield held out against the developer who brought Trader Joe's and LA Fitness to the neighborhood enveloping her home on three sides. You can listen to her story on this 99...
Late-night bus service is poised to get a major upgrade this year. The Night Owl route network will get a boost in service hours and see the legacy spaghetti routes give way to a connected, legible network. Up to 11,000 service hours would be allocated to expanded late-night bus service...

What Upzoning Can Do

"The solution: Americans, together and all at once, would have to stop thinking about their homes as an investment," Conor Dougherty wrote in The Upshot this past Friday, which is an intriguing proposition others have echoed. Implementing policies that furthers housing as a necessity rather than an investment is a good idea. But unfortunately...
Uber has been in the news lately for offering cities a smidgen of their data on traffic patterns. Like so many things with Uber, the company insists what it's doing is truly and utterly revolutionary. Traffic data management seems to be another scheme in Uber's overarching plot to worm its...
At high noon today Roosevelt-based safe streets advocate Andres Salomon announced he's running for mayor, becoming the first credible person to challenge incumbent Mayor Ed Murray. Salomon's campaign has identified four main issues: transportation, housing, policing, and technology-particularly municipal broadband. On transportation, his campaign will make road safety and Vision Zero a major issue: "I'm...
Washington state Republicans have mounted an all-out assault on the state's Growth Management Act (GMA). More than a half-dozen bills have been proposed seeking to either repeal the GMA or severely hamper its effectiveness at protecting natural and rural lands while focusing healthy urban growth patterns in cities and unincorporated...
The City of Seattle hosted a media tour of KeyArena on Wednesday. The City hoped to get attention for the request for proposals it's issued to upgrade the Seattle Center arena to support an NBA and/or NHL team. The Seattle Times' Matt Calkins took to his column to try to poke holes...
The Sound Transit Board of Directors have picked a new crop of leaders to guide the regional transit agency over the next two years. In a vote by the Board of Directors, Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers was appointed as the new board Chair with Redmond Mayor John Marchione and Tacoma...