Doug Trumm

1052 POSTS
Doug Trumm is publisher of The Urbanist. An Urbanist writer since 2015, he dreams of pedestrian streets, bus lanes, and a mass-timber building spree to end our housing crisis. He graduated from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington in 2019. He lives in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood and loves to explore the city by foot and by bike.
Once in awhile an idea so dumb comes along it's like a supernova. You need to look away lest you blind yourself and zap every last brain cell with it's mind-numbing power. Normally a supernova is a rare event, but I feel that way just about every time I read a Brier...
On Tuesday morning, the members of the Washington State Convention Center (WSCC) Addition Board gathered within the convention center they hope to supplement to get updated on the $1.6 billion expansion project. Matt Griffin, managing partner at Pine Street Group, said the WSCC Addition, despite a few unforeseen hurdles, is still on schedule...
Vox takes a look at Barcelona's plan to boost pedestrian space and mobility by implementing superilles or superblocks to minimize the presence of cars in urban centers. The way a superille works is by taking nine city blocks and imposing very low speed limits (10 kilometers per hour) on the streets...
Let The Finger Pointing Begin: The big news this week was the failure of the Republican health care bill, which would have kicked tens of millions of people off Obamacare. Disaster averted. The New York Times has a fun piece on the blame game to celebrate as the fight continues...
Sound Transit has announced time is running out for the contest to help name the four stations included in the Lynnwood Link light rail extension expected in 2023. Fill out the survey by April 5th to get your vote heard, but remember much like the Electoral College, the popular vote may...
That The Urbanist disagrees with Sightline Institute about Seattle's Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) program is hardly news. I'll try not to beat a dead horse. The latest piece from Sightline's Dan Bertolet presents his "static pro forma" numbers in the low-rise zones. Bertolet's long-running argument that the program would work better as a...
During his State of the County speech yesterday, King County Executive Dow Constantine unveiled plans to open two reception centers for youth accused of minor crimes as part of a larger strategy to seek zero youth incarceration in King County. The plan responds to the criticisms that criminal justice activist groups like...
The Go Green Conference starts tomorrow (March 16th) at 9am at the Washington State Convention Center. King County Executive Dow Constantine will provide introductory remarks and moderate the first panel titled "Businesses Leading the Way in Clean Energy, Green Building and Sustainable Operations" including panelists from Weyerhaeuser, REI, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber...