Doug Trumm

1052 POSTS
Doug Trumm is publisher of The Urbanist. An Urbanist writer since 2015, he dreams of pedestrian streets, bus lanes, and a mass-timber building spree to end our housing crisis. He graduated from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington in 2019. He lives in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood and loves to explore the city by foot and by bike.
Sightline's Margaret Morales published a great piece yesterday using housing data to show that multi-family housing helps make Seattle neighborhoods more affordable. Detached single-family zoning, on the other hand, leads to a more expensive housing getting built or remodeled.
Proponents of detached single-family zoning sometimes point to anecdotal data (i.e.,...
I should probably introduce myself. I'm Doug Trumm: Seattle Renter, Fair-Weather Bicyclist, Committed Urbanist. I recently agreed to serve as the Publication Director of The Urbanist, taking over for my esteemed and equally unpaid colleague Stephen Fesler, who remains on as a Senior Editor and frequent writer. As someone...
Last week the East Design Review Board threw a wrench in plans to begin construction on the complex planned around Capitol Hill Station when they declined to recommend any part of the project, including Capitol Hill Housing's planned 110 affordable homes on the B-North site. Board members voiced a...
King County Executive Dow Constantine unveiled a proposal to adopt a flat $2.75 fare across its King County Metro Transit network. For folks previously taking two-zone peak trips, the universal $2.75 fare would mean a $0.50 lower fare, whereas people taking one-zone trips off-peak will pay 25 cents more. The...
King County certified Primary Election results last Tuesday, confirming urban planner Cary Moon's second place finish with 17.62% of the vote. Moon, who earned The Urbanist's endorsement, faces a showdown with former US Attorney Jenny Durkan, who cruised through the primary in the establishment lane, riding endorsements from Mayor Ed...
Sound Transit upgraded its old ST3 map with a cleaner new map and website. The old map helped sell the package to the regional electorate that voted 54% in favor of the 25-year investment last year. The new map is more elegant and legible. The interactive map also includes...
On Monday the Seattle City Council passed a resolution signaling intent to move forward with plans to renovate the Seattle Center Coliseum (popularly dubbed KeyArena despite shirked royalties by KeyBank). The day after, the Port of Seattle came up with the additional $10 million to close the funding gap...
I took a trip to Tokyo in July and thought I'd share some impressions. We stayed in Shiodome, a centrally located neighborhood connected to several subway lines known for its office towers of salary men. Subways are so dense here Shiodome station and Shimbashi station essentially meld into one,...