Yearly Archives: 2025
Op-Ed: Mungia’s Narrow Win Shows Washington Voters Want Sweeping Legal Changes
Washington voters almost picked Dave Larson – a dark-money-backed conservative opposed to our popular capital gains tax – as our newest state Supreme Court justice. The close call indicates liberals need a new strategy: run a reform-minded outsider.
Eastside Coffee Outside: Brewing Community, One Cup at a Time
Community members gather every Wednesday morning from 7am to 9:30am in Kirkland for Eastside Coffee Outside. Here's how they came together.
Harrell Growth Plan Would Produce Fewer Affordable Homes Than Alternative 5
The 1,300-page environmental review of the One Seattle plan shows that the Mayor's preferred plan would increase hardscape, tree removal, and greenhouse gas emissions, while decreasing affordable housing over broadly supported Alternative 5.
How Much Housing Growth Should Seattle Be Targeting?
Seattle has set a goal of 112,000 new homes over the next 20 years, but is that really enough to meet demand?
Op-Ed: Prop 1A Is Seattle’s Opportunity to Lead on Climate Justice
The rents and temps are too damn high. Seattle’s social housing developer can help -- with Prop 1A funding. Vote yes on Prop 1A by February 11.
Sunday Video: Give Amtrak Cascades The Upgrade It Deserves
High-speed rail as in investment in Cascadia remains a popular policy idea, but Reece Martin of RMTransit makes the case for prioritizing higher-speed rail upgrades to Amtrak Cascades.
Op-Ed: Harrell Seeks to Derail Social Housing with Deceptive Campaign Mailer
Seattle voters received Prop 1B campaign mailers riddled with lies about social housing. Don’t be fooled. Vote for Prop 1A.
Rolling Out The Urbanist 2025’s Advocacy Agenda and Early Events
The Urbanist unveils top advocacy priorities for 2025 and offers some ways to get involved.