Yearly Archives: 2024
Rider Reps Could Be Coming Soon to Some Washington Transit Boards
House Bill 2191 would allow -- not require -- around two-thirds of the transit agencies in Washington State to appoint two designated rider representatives to their boards.
Shoreline Moves to Kick King County Metro Out of Its Own...
The Shoreline City Council adopted an ordinance that blocks operation of most bus bases within the city, jeopardizing the future of Metro's paratransit bus base in Ridgecrest.
Seattle Council Appoints Morales Challenger Tanya Woo to Fill-In Council Seat
Morales cried foul after her colleagues installed her political opponent under a cloud of megadonor pressure.
Today the Seattle City Council appointed candidate Tanya Woo...
Shaun Scott: Interstate 5 Was Born in Protest
Protests that recently shut down I-5 have reignited a debate that goes back to the freeway’s beginning.
Complicating the narrative of critics who believe major...
King County Metro Restoring Some Dial-A-Ride Service in South King County
King County Metro's third-party contractor, Hopelink, has seen its staffing levels increase, and that's set to translate to more options for transit riders in...
Op-Ed: Seattle Needs Another Pro-Housing Advocate on Council
Vivian Song is the candidate that fits the mold and the moment. Council would be wise to appoint her.
On Thursday evening, eight candidates filed...
Op-Ed: Sara Nelson’s Agenda Is Out of Step with Seattle
The council president's push to slash public services instead of raise new revenue is at odds with voters.
When Argentina’s new right-wing president Javier Milei...
Sound Transit Says 1 Line Headaches Will ‘Smooth Themselves Out’
Facing half-hour headways downtown through February 4, riders are complaining of overcrowding.
Seattle's transit riders still have two full weeks left of planned disruptions to...