Yearly Archives: 2024
Transformative Pedestrian Bridge Opens at Redmond Technology Station
The new Redmond Technology Station pedestrian bridge opened Monday. It will significantly shorten multimodal trips in the Overlake area and provide a direct connection to the SR 520 Trail.
East Link TOD: Housing Growth Picks Up in Downtown Bellevue Ahead...
We're starting our transit-oriented development (TOD) series in Downtown Bellevue. Check out how the Eastside's highrise capital has been growing, with 13,000 homes recently added or in development, in anticipation of East Link light rail's arrival on April 27.
Seattle Levy Proposal Keeps Modest Pace of Building New Sidewalks
250 blocks of new sidewalks was a big win from the Move Seattle levy. Now it's seen as the new baseline, with the 27% of missing blocks citywide being put front and center in the levy debate.
Sunday Video: The Right Bus In The Right Place
American transit agencies often limit themselves in the types of buses that they use, but when is it right to have three-/four-/five-door buses, double...
Op-Ed: Reclaiming Tacoma’s Extensive Historic Streetcar Network
Greater Tacoma used to have an enormously expansive streetcar network. With just one line, Tacoma's modern streetcar network has a long way to go to catch up to that rapid transit standard.
Spring Member Drive Kickoff: Celebrating 10 Years of The Urbanist
Please consider a donation as The Urbanist launches our spring member drive this tenth anniversary year. We've come a long way in a decade!
Seattle Land Use Committee Rejects Morales’ Equitable Development Bill
Chair Tammy Morales appeared flabbergasted as she initially failed to get a second to her motion to introduce her bill providing incentives for affordable housing.
Bremerton Considers Bold Housing Reforms in its Comprehensive Plan Update
Reforms being considered by Bremerton as part of this year's major planning update include eliminating parking mandates, removing height limits in downtown, and expanding neighborhoods where additional density is allowed.