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Yearly Archives: 2024

Harrell and Inslee Tout Climate Work as Seattle Hosts Bloomberg Summit

Mayor Bruce Harrell and Governor Jay Inslee were on Thursday's program at Bloomberg Green Festival hosted at the Seattle Center. Both touted local leadership on environmental issues, even as that work remains tenuous.
The 10 lanes of 8th Avenue as it interchanges with I-405 and heads into downtown Bellevue

Coalition Urges Bellevue City Council to Ramp Up Road Safety Spending

With Bellevue backsliding on many of its prior commitments to improve safety and multimodal connectivity, a coalition of advocates are trying to get things back on track. The group is seeking bigger investments in the city's next biennial budget.
Folks walk the beach as the Washington State ferry comes in. Cars wait on the dock.

Policy Lab: We Want Bread, and Paid Vacation Too!

Most advanced nations mandate at least 20 working days of paid vacation per year, but not the United States. Here's why we should change that.

Seattle Sends $1.55 Billion Transportation Levy to the November Ballot

It's official: Voters this fall will get to weigh in on whether Seattle should invest $1.55 billion over eight years to improve transportation infrastructure, with most funding allocated to road and bridge maintenance.
Two riders walked down the platform with the Seattle skyline in the distance.

Sound Transit Launches Surveys To Plan South Seattle Link Infill Stations

Sound Transit is seeking public feedback on proposed Link light rail infill stations in South Seattle and Tukwila. Stations near Graham Street and Boeing Access Road were pledged and funded in the ST3 ballot measure, and are slated to open by 2031.
Seven CARE members wear logoed blue short sleeve shirts that are their official garb. These pose of the step of Seattle City Hall.

Seattle’s Dual Dispatch Civilian Crisis Responder Program Expands, Despite Obstacles

Seattle's civilian safety department will quadruple in size by hiring 18 additional responders and 3 supervisors. For now, the CARE department is handling a tiny fraction of 911 calls, but that could change in time.

Metro Charts Slow RapidRide Expansion, with R Line Slipping to 2031

A long-planned RapidRide line on Rainier Avenue has been delayed to 2031, as Metro starts the process of identifying the next round of RapidRide lines to implement. Slow timelines are leaving a daily ridership boost of 19,000 on the table.

Advocates Push to Close Half-Mile Gap in Interurban Trail

For decades, the Interurban Trail in North King County and in Snohomish County have been disconnected, with a state highway between them. There's new momentum to change that.