Yearly Archives: 2024

Op-Ed: Sound Transit Should Rethink Light Rail Extensions Beset with Overruns

Sound Transit may be headed for another round of light rail project delays due to poor decision-making, and it needs to be open to overhauling the ST3 program.

Metro Works to Smooth Out Bumpy RapidRide G Launch

The G Line on Madison Street got off to a rocky start with significant bus bunching combined with major delays for riders. There are already signs of improvement.
Heck stands at a Habitat for Humanity Seattle-King County podium between two poster boards showing renderings of the future five-story building.

Habitat for Humanity Touts Its Largest Building Ever in Columbia City...

Habitat for Humanity held a groundbreaking Monday for 58 condos in Columbia City that mark the largest project the organization has ever done anywhere.

Harrell Proposal Would Relax Accessory Dwelling Unit Rules, Implement State Law

Mayor Harrell unveiled legislation allowing larger ADUs and streamlining regulations to make them feasible on more lots. The proposal would implement a state requirement and offer some additional reforms beyond that baseline.

Renton Seeks to Create a New Urban Neighborhood Around Planned Transit

Renton wants to spur development around the planned Sound Transit bus rapid transit station in South Renton. But considerable hurdles stand in the way of creating a truly multimodal neighborhood in that location.

Op-Ed: Bellevue Can Lead the Region on Street Safety

Bellevue is positioned to lead on traffic safety so long as it makes investments in safer roads. This fall's budget is a great time to start.
Several sheriff vehicles park on Pine Street in Downtown Seattle next to the light rail station.

Seattle’s Stay Out Orders and Encampment Sweeps Continue Trend toward Criminalization

Emboldened by the Supreme Court's sweep-friendly Grants Pass decision, the Seattle City Council is advancing stay out zones in hopes of criminalizing drug abuse, sex work, and homelessness out of existence. History suggests this will not work.

Sunday Video: Are Fire Concerns About Point Access (Single-Stair) Buildings Right?

Last year, Uytae Lee of About Here discussed why point access block (single-stair) residential buildings are so good. But a common reaction to the...