Yearly Archives: 2024

Op-Ed: Expanding Tree Canopy Is a Climate Solution and Livability Boost

Bellevue, Seattle, and Tacoma are each working to expand tree protections, but all should go further to expand canopy and adapt to a warming climate.

Sunday Video: Can North America Do Train Station Right?

Ray Delahanty of CityNerd ranks principal train stations across the United States and Canada for population catchment in proximity to them. Seattle makes the...
More than a 100 market-goers near the Pike Street entrance to Pike Place Market.

Final Push for The Urbanist’s Fall Member Drive

Give today to help us finish our fall member drive strong. Our members are crucial to powering our advocacy journalism. We couldn't do it without you.

Why Ballard Link Is Still Trapped in Planning Limbo

Ballard Link is still in planning, eight years after the passage of Sound Transit 3. With the environmental review process essentially starting over, major action on the project isn't expected until 2025.

Tacoma Set to Slash ‘Vision Zero’ Road Safety Budget by 90%

Tacoma's $900,000 budget for Vision Zero is set to be slashed to $90,000 as the City prioritizes other areas for funding, leaving the Grit City without a dedicated revenue source for safety upgrades.

Judge Demands Seattle Police Reform Crowd Control Before Lifting Federal Oversight

On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge James Robart convened a consent decree hearing and found that the City, after 12 years, is close to compliance once the Seattle Police Department submits revised crowd control policy. He does have lingering concerns about bias-free policing and accountability, particularly given the most recent police guild contract.

Updated Seattle Growth Plan Adds Five Neighborhood Anchors, Bigger Fourplexes

An updated version of Seattle's 20-year growth plan includes additional opportunities for housing density, but mostly retains the city's longstanding pattern of walling off lower-density areas of the city.

2024 General Election Endorsements

The Urbanist Elections Committee has unveiled our 2024 general election endorsements. We're excited about this slate of urbanists, who are poised to make a difference.