It’s the home stretch of our two-week spring member drive, and we’re still short of our goal of 100 new members. You can help us get there! In the process, you’ll be keeping The Urbanist strong and pumping out the articles that break the biggest news and set the policy agenda for the Puget Sound region.
By Monday morning, the donor pop-up will be turned off, but those of you who became members will be ensuring The Urbanist can keep the lights on and invest in the people doing the good reporting work you rely on.
Just look at a sampling of the bounty in the last month:
- Our investigative report broke the news that the Office of Planning and Community Development had a “housing abundance map” with twice the neighborhood centers and five-story apartments allowed within 1/8 mile of frequent transit ready to go, but the Harrell Administration intervened and delayed and watered down the plan.
- We reported just today on how advocates used the map we revealed to push the city to improve its growth plan.
- We covered the opening of the Eastside new light rail line, dubbed the 2 Line, from a great variety of angles, including a transit-oriented development (TOD) series to Redmond pedestrian bridge opening to opening day festivities.
- We covered the ongoing saga of siting two light rail stations in Denny/South Lake Union and the revelation a new option would add a half-billion in costs, a story we’ve been all over throughout the (labyrinthine) process.
- We had the most in-depth coverage of Seattle’s transportation levy renewal debate anywhere.
- We brought on a public safety reporter keeping a watchdog eye on a Seattle City Council and Mayor that appears to be flailing about a bit on this issue.
All of this insightful news is paywall-free and available to all, as it has been for the last decade. Please help support the next 10 years of The Urbanist with a generous monthly or annual membership, or a one-time donation.
PLEASE NOTE: The Urbanist has switched to a new donor platform that has more features for subscribers, like being able to adjust your credit card yourself. If you have any questions, please email finances@theurbanist.org.
Doug Trumm is publisher of The Urbanist. An Urbanist writer since 2015, he dreams of pedestrian streets, bus lanes, and a mass-timber building spree to end our housing crisis. He graduated from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington in 2019. He lives in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood and loves to explore the city by foot and by bike.