Give today to invest in the next 10 years of Urbanist success.
Are we there yet? This is a familiar phrase heard during a long or challenging adventure, and more than that, it often includes feelings of anxiety, dedication, and pride in getting there together. Ten years into our journey as an organization, we aren’t there yet, but we are a heckuva lot closer than when we started.
There are many reasons to celebrate and much work still to be done. The Urbanist is a voice and active source of news and actions we desperately need to better understand how to get from here to there, so that we will make the right decisions for today and for generations to come.
We at The Urbanist are celebrating our whole community. We’re asking you to continue or to deepen your support for our work by subscribing, renewing, or donating. Together, we can create a sustainable future for everyone.
We are far from our dreamworld where everyone has easy access to affordable homes, public transit, and safe walking, rolling, and biking options — and where leaders truly embrace climate action and environmental justice. We can get there, though, but only when we work together.
Growing a more safe and sustainable city is hard work, which was put under a microscope, literally and metaphorically, as the Covid pandemic revealed a number of weaknesses in our society that ranged from public health systems to ventilation in our homes to spaces outdoors where we can easily reconnect with nature and enjoy recreation and rejuvenation. It also brought forward questions about why and how we commute to our jobs, and what happens when many of us no longer need to commute to work. And most importantly, it reaffirmed that we must think beyond today and embrace a brighter future.
Donate today to The Urbanist and we’ll keep digging into the stories, keep pushing decision makers to do the right thing, and keep you all informed so we don’t drop the ball to do better for everyone.
Now, The Urbanist is poised to expand its reporting and events throughout the Puget Sound region, but we need your help. Subscribe, renew and donate today. We aren’t there yet, but momentum is building and it’s been quite the ride already. Thanks for taking this journey with us.
The Urbanist’s fall subscriber drive runs until Sunday, October 8. Check out our post about tax-deductible giving options or subscribe below to our 501(c)(4) nonprofit, which is not tax deductible. Email development [at] theurbanist.org to increase your subscription level.

Linda Hanlon
Linda Hanlon is the Lead Editor of The Urbanist. She cares about community-building and sharing smart ideas between communities, affordable housing, and active transportation. Safety, affordability, and access for all – regardless of age or physical ability – are starting points for her when thinking about livability. She lives in Port Townsend on the north Olympic Peninsula, the ancestral lands and home of the S’Klallam people.