Rebranding SEPTA: Philadelphia’s transit agency has developed a new package of signage, maps, and wayfinding.
Overselling, under delivering: WSDOT is trying to vastly oversell a highway expansion project in Spokane and local residents are setting the record straight.
Pandemic commutes: What happened to Seattle area commutes during the pandemic ($)?
Tragedy: During the pandemic, traffic fatalities in the United States have skyrocketed.
Snohomish County development: In Everett, 430 affordable apartments at a former Kmart site ($). Also, all but two Snohomish County zipcodes saw population gains in the 2020 census ($).
Lehigh service: An Amtrak official has said that new service could come to the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania within three years.
Bike the Water Taxi: The King County Water Taxi is now capable of carrying fatter tire bikes.
Head in sand: Washington and Oregon’s transportation departments have cast aside ideas for high-speed rail and sustainable bridge replacement ideas for the I-5 bridge replacement on the Columbia River.
No more: Los Angeles County is banning new oil drilling wells.
Revolting freeways: In Virginia, there was a protest against a new highway expansion in a Black community ($). Meanwhile, Black people are poised to be swept away in South Carolina for a freeway project ($).
Is it safer?: Are taller buildings safer when it floods?
Free fares: Next City shows how free fares would help transit operators.
Gentrification: Gentrification is a hot topic and there’s contention about what it is and isn’t, but is this building gentrification?
Solarizing: How can Seattle build climate resiliency into its schools?
Fare ambassadors: Sound Transit has started using fare ambassadors instead of fare enforcement officers.
Diverter defense: How did a Portlander get the Portland transportation department to upgrade from plastic to metal?
Police reform: The Port of Seattle suggests reviewing hiring practices and changing use of force policies for police.
Delayed: New York City is delaying a major bus network redesign until 2026.
Vax and test mandate: King County will be implementing a Covid vaccination or testing mandate for some aspects of public life.
Crisis calls: How will Seattle’s newest department help change the city’s response to crisis calls?
Poverty declining?: According to one measure, poverty declined during the pandemic in the United States ($).
Funding risk: How is Covid threatening funding for Seattle’s school district?
Fast holiday connection: A new bus company will operate between Seattle and Portland during holidays ($).
Future freeway lid: What will Capitol Hill’s northern freeway lid look like in 2030?
Liberating the city: Parisian officials are liberating the city from cars.
Pay up: Some municipalities want to make big waste producers pay more for the cost of recycling.
Hot nights: Why is America experiencing so many usually hot nights ($)?
The goods: The reconciliation bill may have $10 billion for high-speed rail. Progressives are also fighting for $30 billion to fund transit in the bill. Streetsblog has the latest on the status of sustainable transportation in the reconciliation bill negotiations.
Housing policy abroad: How are the United Kingdom and New Zealand tackling the issue of housing?
Quick fix: Portland’s transit agency acted quickly to address bus crowding after the start of the new school year.
Banning fireworks: Pierce County may give its fire marshal emergency authority to ban fireworks ($).
Racial bias: Chicago police stop Black drivers by many multiples more than white drivers.
Racism and transportation: Streetsblog confronts the issue of racism and transportation based upon a study.
I-35 road rage: Opposition to the Austin I-35 expansion grows.
Next stop: Charlotte’s LYNX Blue Line will get a new station stop.
Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.