Light rail is coming to North Seattle and in transit-years, 2024 is just around the corner!
The City of Seattle’s Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) hosted an open house on March 13th at Ingraham High School in North Seattle. For two hours, the room was buzzing with discussion as residents imagined what they want the future to look like for the neighborhood.
The event was also attended by Councilmember Debora Juarez, Sound Transit, King County Metro, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, Seattle Parks and Recreation, Seattle Office of Housing, and Seattle Department of Transportation representatives. Community members had opportunities to provide feedback about transit connections, sidewalks, future development and express concerns about parks and equity. There were more than one hundred people in attendance.
The event on March 13th focused on both current and future residents, as well as those working and enjoying recreation in the area.
Throughout the next year, the city will draft and adopt a plan to implement the community vision, including:
Plan for future changes, services and other opportunities near the stations
Design sidewalks, bikeways and street improvements to make it easy to walk or bike to the station
Coordinate and prioritize City investments to achieve multiple benefits.
Improve the capacity of the neighborhood to advocate for community goals
Spring 2019: Generate ideas for Land Use, Mobility, Amenities, etc.; Discuss, Analyze and Prioritize; Community Workshop
Fall 2019: Feedback on Draft; Next Steps; Community Open House
- Subscribe to OPCD emails.
- Take OPCD’s survey. It is critical that you take a few moments to share your thoughts and visions for this project with the City of Seattle. Share with folks who are not online. Ask for translated materials for communities that need it!
- Email Sound Transit to ask that they open the 130th station in 2024, not 2031. Their email is:
The NE 130th and 145th Station Area Planning process is an opportunity for the community to come together and create a vision for the area surrounding the future light rail stations. I founded Share The Cities with other pro-housing advocates because we want voices that are often left out of the conversation included. We knocked on doors and spoke to neighbors and many of them were unaware light rail was coming to 145th in 2024 with 130th planned for 2031–with a chance it could be advanced to 2024, too.
At the event I spoke to a number of people who were very excited about light rail. The overwhelming sense in the room was, “Let’s bring it sooner!” Dan Remke, told us he will be “30 yards away” from the future station.
“Light rail is a net good to the community but the personal impacts to us and neighbors is challenging,” Remke said. His family bought into the neighborhood ten years ago. The idea of light rail coming directly by his home every seven minutes isn’t what he planned for his family, he said. We need to work with neighbors like Dan and also find resources to do equitable direct outreach to the many neighbors who did not attend the open house.
To learn more about Share The Cities, email
Laura Loe
Laura Loe is an educator, musician, and gardener from Colombia/NY/LA/Chicago who has lived in Seattle since 2009. Laura is a board member for Be:Seattle, an organization building the power and leadership of renters and people experiencing homelessness to fight displacement.