Alright, so you’ve procrastinated. Ballots are due today, and you still have yours. That’s okay, we can walk you through this.
Here’s the tricky part: ballots must be postmarked by today. That doesn’t mean they’re in your mailbox at 5pm. That means the post office has received your ballot. So here are your safest options:
- Go find your nearest post office and deliver it there. They mostly close by 5pm, so watch the time; or
- Go find the nearest ballot drop box or van and drop off your ballot by 8pm. It’s free and you get an extra three hours.
Don’t have yours? It’s cool. You still have an option: print it out.
If you still aren’t sure how to vote, fear not, our cheat sheet is below:

Ben Crowther
Ben is a Seattle area native, living with his husband downtown since 2013. He started in queer grassroots organizing in 2009 and quickly developed a love for all things political and wonky. When he’s not reading news articles, he can be found excitedly pointing out new buses or prime plots for redevelopment to his uninterested friends who really just want to get to dinner. Ben served as The Urbanist's Policy and Legislative Affairs Director from 2015 to 2018 and primarily writes about political issues.