Skyscraper city: An updated version of Seattle skyscraper projects in infographic form.
Extended death row: The Harvard Exit will last just a few more days; say goodbye on January 11th.
Slow it down: Sightline makes the case that 20mph is plenty for residential streets.
Health of streets: New research shows that street network design can affect your health.
Bicycle helmets: Staff over at The Stranger discuss (argue) over whether requiring bicycle helmets is ridiculous or not.
Working class relief: Governor Jay Inslee wants to create a working class tax rebate ($) for Washington residents.
Water vision: The struggle of St. Petersburg, Florida to revitalize its waterfront pier may have success this time.
Ferry suburb: The history on how a ferry made Brooklyn the very first suburb.
Pro labor: The world’s most worker-friendly countries in 7 charts; let’s just say, pretty much anywhere is better than here…
Build the rail: An opinion piece to the Everett Herald to expand light rail to Paine Field and Everett.
Density: A comparative set of visualizations that show how population density is allocated in major cities across the globe.
If Bertha fails: Mayor Murray believes that if Bertha fails, we’re probably never going to have another tunnel for transit.
Development hate: Apparently San Francisco residents love to hate a new tower going up on Market Street, despite the fact that it’s displacing no one; for what it’s worth, the tower is flashy in a good way.
Sweden is safe: The reason why Sweden has become the safest place for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists alike. Don’t worry, Seattle is almost as safe, too!
Coming in 2015: All the key multi-modal projects that are slated to begin or be delivered in 2015.
Data matters: Despite the controversy over a particular bike lane in Vancouver, BC, the lanes are delivering positive numbers in the effort to promote biking.
Debunked: The case by WSDOT that the deep bore tunnel project is 70% complete is graciously debunked ($).
Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.