Bike Washington: This has been a busy week for cycling in Washington. We were named the most bike-friendly state in the union, AGAIN. So pat yourselves on the back. Washington is also seeking a new national designation for our east-way bikeway across the state (Route 10). We’re hoping it gets a big yes for signing.The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has a lot to brag about this week, too: another Greenway on the way, the soon-to-open extension of the Broadway Bikeway, and the Fremont Bridge breaking records. Of course, WSDOT is still trying to kill cyclists near SR 99.
Two wheels go a long way: Bike theft is a huge problem for cities, and here’s 8 reasons why. On the flip side of things, Copenhagen gets to boast more than just a cyclist paradise, it also has the best behaved ones. Next time someone complains about those pesky bikes, remind them that they aren’t the ones causing traffic. And, with the soon-to-be bike share arriving here, we’re hoping that we don’t make the same mistakes as NYC.
$15/hr may be on the way: Mayor Ed Murray revealed on Thursday that the working group on the proposal had agreed to a phased-in package.
Only a few more hours: Chris over at Tacoma Transit says that Pierce Transit Route 1 could get Bus Rapid Transit in the future. He charts what it would take to move this highly productive, higher frequency route to BRT.
Eye of the Tiger: SDOT gives us a rundown on their proposed improvements for Northgate, but in particular their 2014 Tiger Grant application. We love these station area improvements!
Maps of the week: Curious about how far you can get in ten minutes at 7.30am or 10pm? Well, there’s a new map service to do just that! Seattle and the Puget Sound have many great places to ride a bike, and this map shows the most popular routes.
Put a stamp on it: Capitol Hill residents will be happy to know that they’ll get to keep their other post office on 23rd Ave E and E Union St. And after you send that love note, you might just be able to walk next door and grab a bag of weed.
Bertha may die: Secretary of Transportation Lynn Peterson had a very candid interview this week with talk show host Dori Monson about the deep bore tunnel. Peterson said that there’s a “small possibility” that the tunnel may never be finished and later followed up with legislators by expressing her deep concern via e-mail.
Radical, but practical: What if we capped interchanges like SR-520 and I-405 or I-5 and SR-522 with buildings? These designers have some fun ways to use air rights and spruce up otherwise boring aerial intersections.
Going green: Governor Jay Inslee wants carbon caps, a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) fee, and other initiatives to meet our environmental goals. Considering that the polar icecaps could make waves the size of houses, we think this is a good step. Meanwhile, SDOT is being eco-friendly with Mercer St by giving trees space; the details are actually quite interesting. And, it looks like we may be voting on a new Metropolitan Parks District come August. We gotta fund all of the green space somehow!
Get involved and comment: The University District Urban Design Framework is nearing the end of the line with its Draft EIS (we like Alternative 2). Meanwhile, Ballard is just ramping up with a similar project of its own. Next week, the Department of Planning and Development will hold a meeting on Wednesday for the Ballard Urban Design project.
Cool things in architecture: Calatrava designs a new station for Liège, Belltown is getting some new modular mid-rise, Moscow is transforming some factories to swanky mixed-use, and designers plan for the future of post-Hurricane Sandy coastal communities.
Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable, and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations, and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in great cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been with The Urbanist since 2014.